After completion of the work in this session the student will:
- Be able to give a brief description of morphological appearance of brain atrophy and provide an understanding of cerebral infarct.
- Be familiar with some of the method of evaluating the blood flow to the brain (arteriography, Doppler ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography).
- Be aware of magnitude of the problem of osteoporosis. Be familiar with its radiographic manifestations and major clinicla complications (effect upon the vertebrae, common fractures in osteoporotic patients, insufficiency features).
- Know the radiological manifestations of pulmonary venous hypertension (the elements of interstitial and of alveolar pulmonary edema).
- Have an understanding of Doppler ultrasound dynamic blood flow study in disease diagonsis.
- Understand and be able to recognize the radiologic appearace of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.