Animated models of selected structures in the human brain.

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You will need QuickTime to view these animated models. You can dowload QuickTime at no charge at

In each of the movies, you can drag the circle on the slider bar to regulate the speed of the movie, or to freeze frames. You can also step through the frames using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Click on any item in the list below to see a movie.

Amygdala and ventricular system in the whole brain.

Amygdala, caudate nucleus and lateral ventricle.

Amygdala, caudate nucleus, putamen, ventricular system, and anterior commissure.

Amygdala, hippocampus, lateral ventricle, and cerebral peduncles.

Basal ganglia: accumbens nucleus, caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus.

Basal ganglia and ventricular system.

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These models are reproduced with permission from the Neuroanatomy Interactive Syllabus CD produced by the

Digital Anatomist Program

Health Sciences Center for Educational Resources
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195-7161

We thank Dr. Kathleen Mulligan of the Digital Anatomist Program for permission to use these materials. She tells us that the whole series of neuroanatomical animations will soon be freely available on the Internet. Some of them can be seen now at

On this site go to the Neuro Syllabus, then Click for Syllabus, then to Movie Index.