Special edition of the Navigable Atlases of the Human Brain

for Medical Neuroscience 552.

John I. Johnson, Brian M. Winn, Joseph J. Maleszewski, Myrvine Bernadotte, Prashant Vaishnava and Keith D. Sudheimer

Radiology Department, Communications Technology Laboratory, and College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University.

These atlases are stripped-down versions of the online atlases of the human brain at http://www.brains.rad.msu.edu

All labels that are not objectives to be learned in this Medical Neuroscience 552 course have been removed. However, the lines leading from labels to structures have been retained so you can see exactly what has been removed.
To find the name of the structure, where the line is present but the label has been removed, go to the online atlases.

Go to the class atlases:

Atlas of the Spinal Cord

High Resolution Atlas of the Brain Stem

Atlas of the Whole Brain

Included on the disk are 3-dimensional animations of models of some brain structures whose structure and relationships can be confusing.

Go to the animated models